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20×46 Carport Shed Plans With Storage Loft

20x46 Carport Shed Plans Blueprints 00 Draft Design

Stick with our recent 20×46 carport shed blueprints to construct a durable vehicle storage shed in a few weekends.

Have all the materials delivered to the building site before you start construction.

Build the foundation on concrete blocks after checking it is precisely level.

Make sure to add roof overhangs to protect the wall sidings from water.

This structure is designed for a snow load of 25 pounds per square foot.

Design & Elevations

20x46 Carport Shed Plans Blueprints 01 Building Section
20x46 Carport Shed Plans Blueprints 05 Front Elevations
20x46 Carport Shed Plans Blueprints 06 Rear Elevations
20x46 Carport Shed Plans Blueprints 07 Left Elevations

Floor Framing And Foundation Layout

20x46 Carport Shed Plans Blueprints 03 Foundation Details
20x46 Carport Shed Plans Blueprints 04 Floor Framing Plan

Diagrams For Assembling Loft Framework

20x46 Carport Shed Plans Blueprints 08 Loft Framing
20x46 Carport Shed Plans Blueprints 09 Loft Details

    Materials List

    20x46 Carport Shed Plans Blueprints 02 Materials List