Listed below are some 12×16 lean to pole shed plans blueprints for designing a long-lasting storage shed on your backyard.
A wooden shed can be a wonderful supplement to any patio.
It is important to give some thought to the spot where you will be setting up the structure and its length and width while you buy materials for construction.
Check length of diagonals just after setting up the roof frames to make certain it is perfectly square.
You may add more accessories like skylight, plumbing and perhaps an air conditioner in your outbuilding depending on your unique preferences.
12×16 Lean To Pole Shed Crafting Plans Showing Foundation Design And Floor Framing

Dig a 4-inch-deep pit in the ground where the shed foundation would be located.
Fill it with gravel and level it.
Place 4-inch-thick concrete blocks over the gravel for creating the base of the shed.
Use seven-inch anchor bolts to embed the concrete into the foundation.
All the footings must be at least 2 feet below final grade.

Lean To Shed Making Blueprints For Wall Framing

Secure all cross-stud partitions and walls of the shed with plywood sheathing.
Use 16d galvanized nails at 25 inch intervals.
Install fireblock stud spaces over soffits, furred spaces, stair stringers at top and bottom of run, cove ceilings, drop ceilings, ceiling joist lines and bearing walls.
Frame the load-bearing outer walls using 2×4 studs nailed at 16 inch on-center.
Frame non-bearing walls using 2×4 studs nailed at 24 inch on-center with double top plate.
Use 7/16″ sheathing to build the shear wall.
Use pressure treated sole plates for all exterior walls.
Slant Roof Shed Designing Schematics Showing Rafter Layout And Roof Frame

Use pressure treated 2-inch-thick lumber to create he fascia and soffits.
Refer diagrams for creating the trusses.
Brace each rafter-wall connection and truss with hurricane anchors.
Install 1.5-inch-thick solid blocking between trusses, rafters and joists on all load-bearing walls.
Use half inch thick plywood for decking the roof.
12×16 Timber Shed Architecture Drafts For Creating Doors & Windows